All over the world there are people addicted to smoking who want to give up, but it can be really hard. Here for anyone who wants to quit the nicotine for good are 8 great tips on how to stop smoking - and stay that way.
1. Set a date to stop smoking and stick to it. Doing this can help you to focus your mind on quitting and will help you to remain positive.
2. Use a substitute to smoking. Many people like to use gum for something to do, or even suck on a pen to mimic the action of smoking.
3. Be positive about what you are doing. Staying positive will help you to quit smoking and stay that way. To help you further think of all the positive benefits of being smoke free.
4. Take up a new and interesting hobby. Hobbies will help to keep you busy and take your mind off smoking. You might also meet new friends doing this.
5. Accept that your cravings will subside. Whilst you might think you will be in the grip of smoking forever, it will pass and you will not experience cravings any more.
6. Save the money you would normally spend on cigarettes. You will be probably be surprised at how much money you have wasted over the years as it mounts up.
7. Treat yourself with the money that you have saved. You deserve a treat for quitting smoking so use the money you have saved to buy yourself a gift or go somewhere special.
8. Get rid of all your smoking paraphernalia. Having your lighters, ash trays and even cigarettes in the house will be a reminder of your smoking days. Spend a few hours getting rid of all traces of smoking and you will feel much better.
You can also order our special product which will help you to quit smoking from here!